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Monday, June 14, 2010

Not so guilty anymore, the start of WEEK 2!

Made it to the 5:30 p.m. workout tonight. I'm not feeling so guilty anymore now that I've got a workout in. Tonight's instructor really worked us hardcore. I think my t-shirt was completely wet by the time I walked out of the building.

Emilie was great! She sat at a table and drew in her notebooks with her Tinker Bell pen. She watched and at one point I saw my little girl crying. I went over to her to see what was the matter. She had to go potty, but didn't want to go without me. She said it was too loud in there (because of the music) and she wanted me to help her. I don't know that I've ever been so happy to take her to the bathroom! I needed a breather! Back off to class I went and Emilie kept on drawing. 

Because she was such a good girl, we went on a little shopping trip to Target. Emilie got to pick out two new movies. Go figure my daughter picked out the girl with the perfect body! Two Barbie movies, "Barbie and a Mermaid Tail" and "Barbie in Swan Lake".

Keep moving forward.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney 

Emilie and I watched the Disney movie "Meet the Robinsons" this morning and at the end of the movie was this quote by Walt Disney. The words "keep moving forward" caught my eye and at the very end these words were highlighted and everything else faded out except for the words keep moving forward. 

Keep moving forward. Simple words really, but powerful if you think about it. Don't look behind you. Don't keep thinking of the past. Don't dwell on the past. Don't miss new things in life by looking behind you. Keep moving forward to pursue the greater things in life. 

All too often we dwell on our past only to set up more road blocks keeping ourselves from achieving the bigger picture. I'm realizing that I dwell all too often about how I looked in the past. The skinny me is how I view who I am now, but I'm no longer that thin girl. I'm overweight and unhealthy. This is my reality check. I need to stop seeing myself as I was in the past and look at who I am now and how I want to be in my future. When I dwell on my past looks, I get all depressed and do the one thing I think that makes me happy...eat. I know that I'm not the only one who eats when depression or being upset about something sets in.

Instead of eating we need to be more productive. I'm setting a new goal for this week. When I feel upset about something I will not pick up food. I will do one of the following:
1. Drink a large glass of water.
2. Do 20 sit-ups or push-ups.
3. Go for a long walk. Not slow, but a fast walk to burn some of my tension.
4. Write about my frustration. What's bugging me? Does it really matter? Can it be resolved? Will it matter tomorrow? Will I care in a year?
5. Clean up one of the rooms in the house.
6. Do the dishes.

Do you have any suggestions? I'd love to hear them.   

The alarm clock goes off...

Child does not flinch, move an inch or cover her ears. Even with a little poking, tickling and words from her mother to "get up", she continues to sleep so soundly. Emilie looked way too peaceful to be disturbed. Yes, another excuse to not get up and go work out. CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! Now I feel guilty as hell! I seriously do. So much so that I couldn't get back to sleep. UGH! Okay, thank goodness for afternoon classes. Man am I lucky I'm not working today, but this does throw a wrench into my whole day.

Other things on my mind...
I'm trying to put a list of reasons why I'm trying to become healthy. I hope this will help keep me inspired. I've put 10 things on my list so far and added the list to the left column of my blog, but I need some help. Would my friends and family please give me more reasons? I know this needs to be my list, but I need inspiration from all of you. I want it to be a fun and comical list of reasons...so anything is game. Post them in the comments or email me at Tricia.Zeis@mchsi.com.